Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just so that you know I'm alive, sort of..

Okay, I do not know what is up with my Internet connection apart from it being gone. Vanished. Not there, for a week already. I'm at school right now, about to go fetch some free food (i.e. school lunch) and then off to practise and home. How very gay. I hope I'll get my connection to the world back very soon, otherwise I'll kill something, brutally.
How have the first school days been for you, beloved ones in Estonia? I sort of envy you, but then again, you guys should be giving me credit for having survived three weeks already!
And oh, just for the record, I'm going to Paris in 20 days. Just wonderful.

PS. Eat your veggies, get your vitamins. Those contagious bastardly diseases are so very common right now. I had the meanest stomach-flu kind of thing yesterday (not nice). So please do take care!

1 comment:

Karuema said...

hei hei, avalikkus ootab uusi kirjatükke :)