Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All the same.

Today I woke up and I was seriously so abashed by the scene seen from my window. It was snowy and snowing outside. WTF, mates? Global warming my ass! And more towards the day, it was nice and sunny, but when we got out of school, it was gray and cold and windy again and it was hailing. I don't get it. Something is very wrong. Something is/was very wrong with my mood as well. There's something bringing me down, but I'm not very sure about what it could be. At least I'm not in denial about my mood-swings.
I still haven't got used with my new lighter hair. It freaks me out each time I see my reflection in the mirror.
Oh, haha. Today during lunch, I had the cutest and most embrassing moment with JP. He was sitting right across the dining hall from me and we were keeping eye-contact while eating. And of course, I'm the most horrible eater in the world, or at least in Finland... And it was so cool, because he doesn't seem to be the smoothest eater either, at least when someone is watching. So we both had quite a good laugh, at each other. I don't really understand this guy, though. But I cannot be bothered to really go deep into the topic and try to figure out the details. It's all the same. I wonder what's up with all the guys in our school wearing the exact same jeans, by the way?
This confusing guy still confuses me, and I'm not sure if it's in the positive way. I think we have the kind of love-hate relationship. Go figure..

And casually, it is totally normal to have a discussion over me wearing (red) leather underwear or not. :D This is what you get in our ToK lessons. And of course, fucking frozen chicken and then cooking it. Gotta love IB:D. We're all a bunch of perverts, I love it!


Kristin said...

mida sa oma juustega tegid???

Ave said...

hehe. ma läksin heledaks tagasi, nüüd olen ära harjunud. kuna ma ei viitsi jaurata värvimisega, siis otsustasin loomulikuks hakata:) (I likey)