Monday, December 03, 2007

Life is all about taking things in and putting things out

My yoga teacher sent me an interesting text by someone I cannot remember sometime ago, and I really liked the way this one idea was put there:
The world, in general, is a neutral place, all the things happening around us, and also the physical matter. It is us who determine what the world is like, in our heads. It is as simple as that. We can either interpret an action in a positive way or negative. And people, unfortunately, too often have this pessimistic attitude already before something happens. So, the world will end up seeming gloomy and awful, but that's because we make it like that.
I proved to myself this weekend, that I am definitely one of those people who just have drama in their head Before something happens. And most of the problems are pseudo. I just think too much and see the spook absolutely everywhere.
Oh, and as I talked about communication some time ago, that it is underrated... It is, and non-verbal communication is even more. Yes, it leaves more space for your imagination to work on it, but in reality, we rarely miss with our judgements.
Actions speak louder than words.


Rootsikarol said...

loving the IB'ish self-discovery-philosophy here.

Sinu postidest on näha, et ma pole ainuke, kes filosofeerib. Väga mõnus lugemine :) Ja väga hea kommentaar sinu poolt muidu minu jutule. Tõus järgneb mõõnale ja vastupidi. Hetkel olen suhteliselt tõusulaine peal (kuigi blogist nii välja võib-olla ei loe).

Igatahes, hugs n kisses right back at you.


Hando said...

Skeemid kammivad?

Ave said...

skeemid hetkel ei kammi üldse. maha rahunesid. leidsin mingi sisemise rahu moodi asja. NII HEA ON!

Karol, mul on hea meel, et sa tõusulaine peal oled. peaasi, et self-deception asja nimi ei oleks ;) (believe me, i know how to do it!)

igatsen teid mõlemaid kohutavalt.