Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The way of things to go

I've been thinking about the changes in our lives a lot. There's always something that triggers us to make a decision, and usually when it comes to me, I always reverse to the very initial option I had, even when the intermediate solutions look-sound temporarily better. A good example of that would be me going to study journalism (note, I'm getting my exam results in 5 days!), among other stuff. The force that makes us choose is somewhat mystical, to me. I don't quite believe in destiny in the way that our lives are completely predetermined, and there is no space for free will whatsoever. So we'd be like books already written on flesh. I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. But nevertheless I'm quite certain that there is that something that makes us do the things we do. Everything happens for a reason, one thing is good for another thing that we are not aware of, later on in our lives. Usually people don't think retrospectively to things, but when they do start thinking back, rewinding their actions, it appears that if one decision would not have been made, the other thing that was beneficial in the future, would not have happened. If you catch my drift now. It's quite fascinating, really. I think the people we meet in our lives, we also stumble upon for a reason. And the timing.. sometimes it seems the wrongest time ever, like fate would be feeding the fan with sh*t, but what's left to do then, is to console ourselves with the thought that since things went the way they did, they probably had to - it's good for something.

Everything in our lives is a chain-reaction, a consequence, a sequence, a pattern, a path we walk the way we want to, but takes us to the exact same place from the very beginning. (?)
