Sunday, December 30, 2007
Start anew
Turning the new blank page is a good way of starting the new year with a peace of mind. And to an extent a peaceful mind is the most valuable treasure a human can find. Free your minds.
Happy new year.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Dazed and confused
I could really do that holiday now, even though I think I've done a fairly good job with keeping up the positive mood.
I don't know any more.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Nothing is worth losing that
We are all just receptors and intakers of information, vibes and other perceivable things, intuitive feelers. The way we process what has been fed to us determines how we sense the world, how we label the actions around us, how we tune our perceptions to guide our brains to an understanding.
Life is so fascinating, but nevertheless, if anyone happens to find a time-travelling machine, let me know. I'm just praying for 15/01/08 to be over right now. After that I will probably go through a major impedance drop, which hopefully will not convert into a mental breakdown..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Unfinished sympathy
Imbalance is the worst state of mind to be in. Even if it's self-inflicted... Going with the flow still seems to be the best course of action, but what if the faith is lost? No-one wants to piss against the wind!
What a classic ToK-moment (IBbrainwash buujaa!): How can we know? Do we know at all? And what is Right? Is there such thing as The Right Thing? Who gets to decide?
Do you guys believe in fate?
Monday, December 03, 2007
Life is all about taking things in and putting things out
The world, in general, is a neutral place, all the things happening around us, and also the physical matter. It is us who determine what the world is like, in our heads. It is as simple as that. We can either interpret an action in a positive way or negative. And people, unfortunately, too often have this pessimistic attitude already before something happens. So, the world will end up seeming gloomy and awful, but that's because we make it like that.
I proved to myself this weekend, that I am definitely one of those people who just have drama in their head Before something happens. And most of the problems are pseudo. I just think too much and see the spook absolutely everywhere.
Oh, and as I talked about communication some time ago, that it is underrated... It is, and non-verbal communication is even more. Yes, it leaves more space for your imagination to work on it, but in reality, we rarely miss with our judgements.
Actions speak louder than words.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Every living creature on Earth dies alone.
So, talk. Communicate. It might seem hard in the beginning to even tell your beloved ones how very dear they are to you really, but if you get used to it, it will be easier... and it will make your life easier, and theirs, of course, also.
As fate has the habit of playing tennis, and other games, wouldn't it be a real shame, if the person you hold so very dear, would just... leave... one day, not knowing that you loved them so much?
Note: The title of this post is a quote from one of my favourite films, Donnie Darko.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
For mom.
1. Lightning never strikes twice. Not true. If you screw up something real bad once, it's absolutely guaranteed you will do it again.
2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes the heart forget and move on, and stop deluding itself.
3. The wise learn from others' mistakes. Not true, because no-one ever really does, and I'm miserably failing in admitting that the whole human population is stupid. And even more, the lessons learnt from one's own mistakes are the lessons best learnt.
4. Money cannot buy happiness. This is only partially true, because money can provide objects for well-being, and what people nowadays are most often worried about, is money, in the end. So, if you have one thing less to worry about, aren't you more happy?
5. All human beings are good. They're not. They just aren't! There's so many bastards and evil people around manipulating and harming firstly our dear planet and secondly its inhabitants in every form.
6. Water is the best cure for a hangover when you have it already. Water only helps in preventing hangover, but when you have it already, water does not make you feel too good.
7. A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Drunk words are just drunk thoughts..
And as this is some sort of a thing that needs to be passed on, I'd like Linn, Hando, Lenno and Kristin also to think about it and write 7 things they don't believe in.
To ponder what I'm pondering
"Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe." - Voltaire
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Buddha
"The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents." - Salvador Dali
Above and beyond
The other kind of people is the kind that mostly surrounds me. At least in the inner circle. Cannot say, of course, that the (wannabe pseudo-)philosophical discussions are all there are, but very often, the discussion topics include something so abstract it is hard to reach some sort of universal truth or logical conclusion. I remember the last bigger discussion was on ToK cruise, when we first talked about learning about the human life and personality, and ended up with free will and whether everything is predestined or not. The more in depth the topic is discussed, the more questions yet to hash over arise. It could be said the people who think about those things are more aware (=less ignorant) of what is really going on in the world, even though they might not be competent to provide us with any answers or unquestionable truth. Isn't it so that these unanswered questions lead to distress and anxiety, because we might end up being sure about nothing?
So could it be deduced, from this very discussion, that ignorance is bliss, because in the end, when being ignorant, you are less distressed with the ugliness of the world, the fact that you can never ever be sure of anything, the fact that you are not going to be able to find out the real truth etc. ? To live in one's own little bubble = to live in a happy world, without these unanswered enigmas? I don't know.
It's just something to go on about forever. Mind food. And I find these two quotes by Socrates very appropriat here...
"Wisdom begins in wonder."
"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."
How many of you people know you're alive? How many of you know you're Really Alive?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Foul with snot.
Things are perplexing and I'm still trying hard to achieve at least some level of understanding in various timely aspects surrounding me. More soliloquies to come up about those ponderings, but at the moment I just .. am. Maybe it is a good thing for a change?
With eyes blood red I await for the weekend to come.
Only at night I
See the catch so blunt
Perplexing or what
Haikus are underrated.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Go tell it to the trees, egghead!
Today I got another thing, Math Porfolio (a mathematical investigation) done. Feels somewhat relieveing also. This weekend I don't have to stress too much with official crap, for a change, and I can just let loose and enjoy my home alone time. Mom is in Estonia again.
I actually spent my autumn holiday there myself, also. It was hectic, but nice. Managed to meet up with most of the people I really wanted to see, however a few of them yet to be seen. I hope to maybe get some Estonians over here also. Everyone's always making promises about coming to visit me here, but they rarely do... I hate it when promises made are not kept. What's the use of throwing meaningless words around, giving birth to pointless hope in others?
I am not certain, whether my mood-swings are to be tracked down to the neurotic essence of me, or just some random external mediators that try to manipulate my perception of things, but yes, moody I am. It's even bothering myself to a very great extent - how about the others then? How do the people around me cope with the bitchy me? I'm sowwy for being the way I am sometimes. I try hard, but I fail miserably in making it any better. However, it seems that there is some constant discontentment in me I cannot shake off. Absolutely no idea where it derives from. I am happy, in general, if you ask that. There is nothing wrong in my life at the moment. Maybe the thing causing my resentment is the fact that everything is sort of alright, but very... monochromatic, dull, and blunt?
In a way my emotions have come down to a more gravity-oriented ground. They are still as strong as they used to be some time ago, but they take into consideration also the little flaws around me. More objective towards the world, yes? Or just more forbearing?
It could also be that the autumn has now really crawled under my skin and the typical norhtern kaamos has hit me. I mean, people do adapt to the environment they live in, don't they? It sure seems to be one aspect of the instinct of self-preservation, for me. Thank goodness there still are some people who remind me every now and then, when I get too gloomy on their ass, that life is awfully nice in reality, and I'm just thinking too much and over-dramatising, as usually. So true. And some people are just way too amazing to be true, makes me wonder what I've done so very well that I've deserved you?! What would I do without you, guys :)? Big love.
It seems that my university picture is de-fogging now, finally. After being to this massive fair in Helsinki (Studia Messut), which is all about universities and colleges. My aces are set on London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cardiff, Paris and Lyon. The two latter ones are a bit more unlikely, because studying in the UK is just so much cheaper. And living in France.. I would have to sell myself in the streets to be able to buy food, probably. So, I'll see about those. I don't mind living with my mom, she's the most wonderful thing on earth, but I have to admit, I cannot wait to move away. I've been craving for my own little home for so long now. Nothing too fancy or spectacular, but just my own cosy little place, where I can be on my own. I need space around myself, mentally. This little town atmosphere can get quite oppressing, sometimes. And a change also, cause restless is the way I am and can't really do anything about it... Yes, UK, here I come!
Try not to get too affection-deprived the way I am right now. It will get you all-angst and das ist nicht so gut! Listen to High Contrast's new album Tough Guys Don't Dance also! It's some seriously good stuff. And Commix in Helsinki almost rocked my sense perception, I loved it so much.
Do not mug youself. If you get my drift..
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Morning light my ass
It's so dark outside!
I'm so flute
But then again, I'm quite well-motivated to get it done, because the flow is good and I'm feeling the caffeine groove also. And hey, after I'm over and out with it, it's DONE! What a relief it will be! At the moment there's still one part of the content to write, then the conclusion. Abstract will be done last. 4.5h to go, I should be fine.
Harr, envy me!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
The persistence of memory
I guess I reached a whole new level of trusting people about a week ago. Maybe I'm naive and blue-eyed and brainwashed and all of that put together, but at the moment, I must admit, I don't care if I'm being foolishly trusting, it feels goddamn good inside. I wonder if trusting people is something one can decide relying on their gut-feeling? What if the feeling is really.. right? Do you know what I mean?
Trust and confidence go hand-in-hand. Yes, trust gives confidence and vice versa. Even if it's partially [consciously] deluding yourself, it isn't really wrong to do that in order to obtain the confidence that gives you peace of mind if that's what you're aspiring for, in the end, is it?
Endless flow of rhetorical questions to be followed.. And in the end all we can possibly pray for, is our gut-feeling to be correct for a change. You never know, you know.. Especially when the trusty is far-far away and all you have yourself, is a few assuring words that should keep you company while getting all self-conscious about all the alternatives. But most probably you're seriously overplaying everything. Just chill is what Jesus would do.
I'm sanity-deprived, in a good way:). I'm loving it.
High Contrast - Passion(8)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
True colours
(I hope I'm seeing things right now, because it seems to me that it's snowing?! What the.. )
Anyhow, shortly about my Paris trip. It was absolutely amazing, as you can imagine. Paris itself is such a wonderful place already, and seeing my favourite band (Incubus) live there. What else can you possibly wish for? The whole prelude to the gig was over-the-average enjoyable also, quality time with quality companion (Aleksi) in Paris! On the gig day, I saw Moona (my Parisienne love) also, after a very long time, so it was double-great! And the third person who shared the Incubus experience with me, was Mikk, who lives in Paris. He bought Moona's extra ticket. And yes, the whole gig emotion was multiplied at least a thousand times by being blown away by this one person. I don't think I've ever been this happy! This is probably where my warmth comes from, right now also. I met someone who's something soulmate-like, and it's a whole different level of things for me! I've never-ever experienced this kind of a bond with anyone. And believe me, it has never-ever been this hard to leave anyone either... I cried from both happiness and sadness.. but deep down my heart I was/am the happiest girl in the world. I could praise this one person and write a whole book about them, but I do not find words the most relevant medium here. After all, aren't feelings all about the internal sensation? It's hard to address it all so that I could actually relay the very feeling I have inside of me. I'm a happy muffin, because of everything else as well, you know. This happiness is probably what I've been lacking the most, recently. This happiness is the inner strength that helps to cope with everyday shit we are obliged to deal with. It makes me feel so invulnerable, almost immortal. And this happiness opens my eyes. It opens my eyes to all the beauty and little things that actually are there everyday, but with our casual depression we just fail to notice them and therefore they do not benefit us in any way. But when your soul is full of beauty and happiness, you scoop it from everywhere around you and the feeling just grows. (And as Pam Morrison once said, "I feel the most alive witnessing beauty.")It grows like an avalanche launching from one snowflake and ending up as nature's display of power.. Big words, eh? I guess the point I'm so deliberately trying to make here, folks, is that try to find this little snowflake in all the dullness, darkness and oppression that would launch the avalanche [of happiness]. It's the little things that make the world, but they make it only when noticed. And it won't be that gloomy after all! I promise. Money back-guarantee, honeybunnies!
Oh, oh, oh! And one more thing! Don't let the nasty autumn cold-bacteria-bastards get to you! My throat is so very sore right now with an additional extra gay cough, but I'm hanging in there, no worries. It's just stupid and unpleasant, so eat your vitamins and wear scarves and other warm and snuggly things.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses.
I'm just So Happy! :) (:
PS. If you search youtube for "Incubus Paris" you can most probably see the whole gig, it's there. Share my experience in a miniature form. Just note that the date would be 27.09.2007 then!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A train of thought.

Drown in the sea of infinity
You still linger in my mind
A torment so divine
Peculiar how absorbing
And how perishes all that is I
You are the intoxicating metaphor
For everything illuminating
And the loveliest of all
What makes the time melt
Like the sweet poison
Gliding across my doors of perception
Taking me to the sky
So vast
And making me feel the most a l i v e.
Dedicated to all those people that make me feel alive. The ones that make the gloomiest days living-worthy, the ones that count. The ones that magnify my better half.
I appreciate it more than you could imagine, thank you.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Mighty micro people/Les micro-gens puissants
Procrastination is sometimes called rationalisation in psychologists' language (google for Freudian defense mechanisms). Finding a rational explanation for in reality escaping something. I love to use "motivation-seeking" as my excuse. Or retaining my life. For example, I should have written my Extended Essay last night, but instead, I first went to gym with Sonia, then after that to cinema (to finally see The Simpsons Movie), and finally we climbed on top of Paviljonki roof and just philosophised the night away with a wonderful starry sky, and the feeling of being the most alive. I know, it might sound like some pretentious crap explanation, but I truely do believe that one should always keep her priorities steady no matter how important the daily shit we have to deal with (i.e. obligations). The feeling of feeling alive is what sort of brings lightness to our thoughts, isn't it? The feeling of warmth in your solar plexus from being able to take it in and maybe even exaggerate slightly, just to feel the moment. Carpe momentum. If you have decided already to procrastinate with your duties, then the optimum thing is to switch off all the irrelevant thoughts apart from the very moment you're living. And just en-joy. Oh believe me, it makes everything much more efficient. It shakes your priorities, makes you see beauty and light again in life and brightens up even the dullest and most tedious thoughts. No matter what, just always remember to take a moment to enjoy life and switch off from everyday burdens. You'll come back to them after a while (but note, that's in the future, therefore irrelevant at the moment), and maybe even enjoy it a bit more. Beauty puts us to see things in a better life. I think it was Pam Morrison (Jim's wife) who said that she feels the most alive witnessing beauty, I so agree with her. The feeling alive part is something I almost love the most about life. The contentment you get is irreplaceable and indescribable in words.
In conclusion for this mazy pow-wow I would just want to say that take a moment to appreciate life and beauty in it, look up at the sky, take it all in. Seize the moment, and be thankful for what you've got!
Otherwise, I must admit that I'm surprised (maybe even in a slightly negative way), that some seemingly old stories have a tendency to float back on the surface, and then make you realise that you still mind. I guess it proves well that human memory is not as short as some people (including me) might think, and as Freud once ingeniously explained, things from the unconscious can reappear, even if they are repressed for one reason or an other (defense mechanism of our ego, perhaps). But apparently, this is a part of real life we have to deal with, also. Being able to move on is a great virtue. And even the gloomiest thoughts ever have their perks, which could be seen with opening eyes a tiny bit more (yes, yes, intertextual messages here).
Oh, and one more thing! Yesterday when I was out with Sonia, sitting in town, peoplewatching, a slightly-tipsy man comes to talk to us. I must say that this guy was the only drunkard I've ever attracted (I'm in general a good bum/drunk-magnet), who had a point to make. He was going on and on about how everything has become so money-oriented, superficial and all the true love is basically gone (he was preaching for quite a while with some enriching examples of life etc, but I'm not going to retell his whole sermon ) and so on. He really did have a point. Exceptional, for Jyväskylä (and drunkards in general, I believe it's fair to conclude).
Kids, listen to people - they sometimes might even make sense!
J'irai à Paris en deux semaines! Finalement! Je ne peux plus attendre. J'éspère que ça va être magnifique. Ben, Paris, en général est une ville superbe et extravagante, c'est pourquoi je ne doute pas du tout. Il y a beacoup à faire et voir, inclu Incubus. Encore, une drole observation - je trouvais que les gens deviennent comme leurs animaux, sérieusement! C'est amusant à regarder comme, par exemple, les chiens sont éxactement comme leurs propriétaires, ou inversement... Il y a beaucoup de gens dehors d'aujourd'hui, malgré le temps horrible. Il faut que j'aille maintenant. (Vous ne me comprenez plus de toute façon..)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Just so that you know I'm alive, sort of..
How have the first school days been for you, beloved ones in Estonia? I sort of envy you, but then again, you guys should be giving me credit for having survived three weeks already!
And oh, just for the record, I'm going to Paris in 20 days. Just wonderful.
PS. Eat your veggies, get your vitamins. Those contagious bastardly diseases are so very common right now. I had the meanest stomach-flu kind of thing yesterday (not nice). So please do take care!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The long-awaited chronicles from Manchester
Ave and Sonia rocking
27.07.07, Friday
The moment we [Ave och Sonia, that is] met in the airport was overflowing with joy! Sonia had to run for her life to make it to our plane. The plane trip was kind of strange, because we were surrounded by screaming babies. We were rather weirded out and on the verge of jumping off the fucking aircraft. I almost thought someone’s trying to imply something, or just being all not cool. And there were those two lads on the plane also, probably from Manchester, who were trying to, sort of, hit on us, but failed somewhat miserably. Whatever. I changed my seat from where I was supposed to be sitting, and sat next to Sonia. The (Arab) guy I was supposed to sit next to had the nastiest stare ever! His eyes were blood red and he was just.. Staring. Not nice. Anyways, the flight was okay and then we faced a major problem. Sonia’s luggage hadn’t arrived with us. The time between her flights was too short. Not nice, but we still got a kick out of it.
Then we somehow managed to find a bus that should take us home. On the bus I already got the first linguistic shock – this one guy with a guitar (quite good-looking) was on the phone and he had such a thick accent that I could barely make out what he was saying. Touché.
Before coming home we shopped for milk and juice and cheese (how nice and decent girls we appear, but alas, it was all to be consumed together with alcoholic beverages, my comrades). And finally when we found the apartment, we were astonished, because the place is really nice and big and everything. And Morten’s (one of the flat-owners) nice sneaker-collection just swept us off our little semi-Finnish feet. Baileys with milk was a perfect end for the day and we both slept like babies, drooling and everything.
28.07.07, Saturday
Woke up around 9, took shower, had some tea and cheese (because this is everything edible we had, plus the booze). Sonia’s luggage was still a mystery. So we headed to town to buy some clothes, which we did (I found an extra-cool handbag!) and we also had a lunch in Burger King (god praise junk food). After that we headed home, changed, and went to the cricket ground (Old Trafford), for the gig. The bus was rather FULL and it didn’t even take new people on, but those two really, really gorgeous lads did come on. They were both stylish and you could tell from far away, from their halo, that they were Arctic Monkeys’ fans.
The line for the entrance was shit long and we actually followed the nice guys for a while, but at the line, we lost them. After getting in, it was quite hard to realise that we were actually there, couldn't get our heads around it, and we were both like "fucking hell"!! We still saw those two really cute bus guys briefly, but then they disappeared, or well, we went to buy t-shirts. One of the first things we noticed, and that continued all night long, was that everyone, seriously, EVERYONE was smoking cheeba there! It’s almost like a national sport. While Amy Winehouse was on stage, we were standing in the line to buy 2 pints of Strongbow the whole time. We made it there, eventually. Then we chilled for a while, sat down and walked around and what ever, The Coral played. When Supergrass went on, we were standing next to this one guy who looked exactly like Pete Doherty [note! We later realised that it was, indeed, him]! He was hot, he was se-e-e-ri-ous-ly very hot. And I loved how he said ‘Sorry, love’ when he accidentally very lightly stepped on my foot, or toe (it was nothing, but you know, the Brits apologise over absolutely everything, even over stuff that’s not their fault). But after a brief contact, we lost him also and the crowd was kind of packed. It was insane being in the crowd first when Monkeys went on. People were throwing different drinks and raincoats were a smart move from our part. It could be said that we were fighting for our lives. We were first standing next to two really cool guys from
In the beginning of the gig I seriously thought we’re going to get killed, because all the pushing and pulling and everything was really wild! Nothing I’ve ever seen like! It was even crazier than some heavy metal gigs. But apparently this is a northern
After the gig we sort of walked out with the
Then we ate some cheese for dinner, and some crisps (again) and went to bed. Sleep is wonderful! Oh, and Sonia’s luggage made it here also, but it’s at our neighbours’ apartment now. The neighbour, by the way, is a very stereotypical British lad also.
29.07.2007, Sunday
Woke up Sundayishly very late. Or well, late enough to rest up nicely from last night’s intense experience. We didn’t have any food apart from crisps at the apartment, so we had a bit of tea and some crisps for a micro-breakfast.
Covering up my black eye (which was also ‘slightly’ swollen) was bit of a challenge, but eventually it looked semi-bad only. Domestic violence written in my face! Yeah, you know, Sonia can be a real beast sometimes. But that’s why I love her even more. We took a bus to town and walked around a bit. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly at all, it was very busy for a Sunday. Seriously, Jyväskylä literally dies out on weekends, but bars were crowded with people and so were the streets. And the weather was, also, very nice. Well done,
Since we couldn’t have been bothered to cook the dinner ourselves, we decided once again to eat crap. First we thought of going to Pizza Hut, but we didn’t, because there were none nearby. So, Burger King again, with some big-ass meals. This one older kind of lad asked me if my piercing hurt. While we were eating our delicious meals, a next Arab dude tried to come to chat with us or something. I’m sort of allergic to all those random freaks that I tend to attract, somehow (not being xenophobic, but in general). Sitting at the top of a double-decker bus trying to make our way back to our apartment through the evening rush hour, Ave turns to Sonia and says “Look at that fish” Sonia focuses on a street jungle advertisement and falling into one of those moments of silence where you just linger in a black hole. Ave continues “Crossing the street!” (what are you an idiot or something??) I mean fish crossing the street and getting into a taxi?? Hellooo. Sonia first thinks “God of course, I am an idiot” before realizing that it really was a man with an inflatable fish crossing the street and bursting out laughing. This led to a 20 minute conversation (at least) over two glasses of vodka-juice and a purple eye later in the evening. Priceless! Read some fashion magazines and just laughed our arses off, as well. Quality time! I guess the full moon is to blame for us going to bed relatively late. I couldn’t fall asleep myself, and I read for one more hour or so before I could sleep.
[Shopkeeper in Boots, "Did you get punched or something?"]
30.07.2007, Monday
Waking up before 10am on a holiday is a sin, if it’s not absolutely inevitably necessary. So we slept quite long and took our time with the morning tea and breakfast (that consisted of some really good yoghurt – goodbye crisps!). Then we headed to town and took the bus 250 to the Trafford Centre, which is apparently the biggest shopping mall in the
We went to eat in Pizza Hut also, ordered medium size pizzas and downed it all. Crazy stuff, we were so full afterwards that we couldn’t move for 15 minutes, at least. And it hurt to walk for the next hour. But the food was de-li-ci-ous.
The trip back to town was slightly funny, because Sonia had apparently left her intelligence or at least brains in the mall and was absolutely slow with her thoughts. I almost felt sorry for her. It was hilarious though, how she couldn’t understand a fucking thing of what I was saying to her. But oh well, we all have our moments, and that wasn’t her moment for sure. I love her nevertheless.
At home we didn’t do anything too significant either, just chillaxed and took it easy. We also discovered that my eye has really gone black now (not just purple), and foundation really helps with covering it up so that it would look like unprofessionally used eye shadow. Sonia realised there is no way on earth she is going to be able to take all her stuff back to
31.01.2007, Tuesday
Today is Ave’s name day! I woke up half past five instead of half past seven this morning, because I had put my alarm on without realising that my mobile had Estonian time there. What a stupid fuck. Well, then we had two more hours to sleep and I had the worst nightmares ever, plus I couldn’t really sleep properly as my nose was a bit blocked and throat sore. But In my dream I was first covered with blood in some jail or something and then I was in my old school house with all the other people there and I remembered I was really, really sick (in a wheelchair!), and I was going to die definitely. I also remember some male person holding me really tight in his arms, kind of like protecting me, but I can’t remember who it was. I don’t even want to think of what this dream could have meant.
Anyways, when it was the right time, we got up once again and after the morning rituals we fucked off to town and even managed to find a coach station without too big of confusion. In the bus station I realised that I am absolutely, 100% broke and I don’t even have the money for going back to
We tried to go have lunch on the docks, but unfortunately they were all closed for public because of renovation and reconstruction works. So we just sat down on the stairs of some building nearby and enjoyed our “healthy” choice – carrots, some Italian style bread, and cheese, there. It was surprisingly good (and cheap also). We ended up sitting there for at least an hour, doing almost nothing, being absolutely numb and stupid, but loving it with every cell in our bodies. Eventually we had to move, because sun had moved quite a lot and the shadow was coming onto us. I also talked to Karl and Ragnar on the phone, they are now in
After the meal and everything, we walked back to the [shopping] centre, where we followed a handsome bloke for a while and ended up in a church yard. After spending, literally, our last coins in Hennes and Mauritz on suspenders and a belt. The church yard was cute with nicely cut grass and other people chilling there. Didn’t do anything too meaningful there either, just relaxed and it was great. Lying on the church lawn, we saw a guy passing on the street with his kid, a little boy. In the following scenario, the man told his son (presumably son) “Say hello” boy: “helloo” man looking at us: “say gorgeous” boy: “gorgeous.” We continued to attract attention from two slightly dodgy men and a woman; the woman expressing interest in getting into the church garden (by this time the gate was locked despite a hole in the gate which will be returned to later), while man 1 compliments Ave’s socks and creepy man 2 asks Sonia “Want a cuddle?” Thanks, and no thanks. They closed the gates before we could be bothered to raise our cute arses, so we had to crawl through a tiny-ass hole in the gate. Whatever, really.
It’s funny that everything closed down already around 7pm. So, we didn’t have anything better to do than to hit a bar for 2 pints of Fosters, for our (almost) last money. It was more than heavenly – cold beer after a long day walking and being all touristy. Yum.
We also took our time with walking to the bus station, as we had fuckloads of time. The sunset above the city skyline was absolutely wonderful again (not that I would love sunsets or anything). In the bus station we couldn’t help ourselves and bought one pack of crisps and a pack of Wherther’s Original candies (fockin’ good!), for our very last money, this time. Awful, but crisps Are good, and so are the candies. The bus trip back was quite sleepy and also the rest of the evening. Try making sense of the world while you’re having a battle with sleepiness who’s quite a strong lad, with a hard punch.
01.08.2007, Wednesday
We seriously slept in today, but it makes perfect sense, because
It was a blast getting tipsy at home with good music and the little fan girls in us. I think Sonia actually finally realised that she went to see Arctic Monkeys last Saturday, and furthermore she saw gorgeous Alex once again. And I freaking flirted with Pete Doherty! He is so very doable. Argh. I can’t get my head around it!!!
02.08.07, Thursday
Waking up early is so not cool! So we just took our time again in the morning, with a few cups of tea, cheese and bread for breakfast, taken in with Cosmopolitan and Elle magazines. Our little morning chat again and then finally around two pm we finally went to town. In town we went to Urbis, the cool-ass urban museum with a cool-ass gift shop also. The exhibition was absolutely cool, with street art and a history of this one club/gig venue in
What is love, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more! We didn’t manage to reach Liam after all, however, Sonia called his sister (who was at a pub in
03.08.2007, Friday
Still no life-sign from Liam, his phone seems to be switched off or something (or then stolen or lost). One thing we hate about our lovely flat here is that the “quiet time” ends 9am, which means that all the construction workers and lawnmowers go crazy in the morning. It was such a turn on to wake up to (not). Anyhow, we rose our bums around 10am, showered, etc, etc, ate the last antipasti loaf and cheese, of course and some tea. It’s incredible how we’ve managed to eat absolute crap for the past week, and we’re still healthy, sort of. Then we did the final packing, which was absolute pain, and cleaned up the place. The vacuum cleaner they had in the flat was called Quiet Jet, and believe me, it was everything but quiet. It was the most twisted electronic device I’ve used past few months. It made a horrible noise and it was a real challenge to clean the floors with it. But we survived. A thing to note also is how much litter we produced with this one week. We had three huge bags full of shoe boxes and labels and one huge-ass trash can full of other crap.
We made it alive to the airport with bus, with our fucking heavy bags (it was pain dragging them) and now we’re sitting in the terminal and just chilling, because our flight is in two hours. Cannot be bothered to go through the security yet, because we’ve still got some bread rolls on us with spread cheese, and we should eat them. Mwhaha. And some people watching should be done also. Oh gosh, by the way, I think we witnessed the ugliest women in
We were blessed with good luck at the check-in, because there was almost no line at Finnair desks and we got away smoothly. But we did manage to prove ourselves stupid again by first starting to walk to the wrong terminal instead of checking it from the paper. When it comes to us, it’s so very typical to do something like that. No brain action, whatsoever.
So, this is it. Man, don’t really want to go home. This holiday mode is very easily adaptive and hard to give up, and thinking that we start school in a fucking week is just painful. Hell no! Excruciating. Agonising. Terrible. Help.
Sonia saw Alex, and so did I. I flirted with Pete Doherty. We’re both shit broke now. We ended up at some very random places. The weather managed to surprise us with being absolutely non-English. Well done. Food is expensive, but at least the cheese tastes like something. Carrots and baked beans are cheap. Double-deckers are cool. The pubs in
Oh, and the women in
And we both wonder what normal food tastes like…
Oh, and Liam is, indeed, alive. He just lost his phone or something and hasn't got a new one yet. So he's all good and he has to make it up to us with coming to Finland at some point now. Or else...
And we're not slow or anything, just a bit underdeveloped.. :D But it's all good!
Over and out.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
An unfinished sympathy
ave says:
it's sort of weird, the state i'm in, right now
ave says:
i'm pretty much on a blank page, when it comes to human relationships
ave says:
but there's still this tiny bit of gleam from the previous page ink.. (get my point?)
Jani says:
but now you have an excelent opportunity to grab that pen and create something you want to
ave says:
but you know the first few lines are the hardest part
ave says:
especially when your head and heart have emptied themselves completely
ave says:
i tied all the loose ends in tallinn this summer, and also in espoo, now
ave says:
and jyväskylä did it itself
ave says:
for example, i noticed that my state doesn't change one bit when JP is around
Jani says:
well, you can always have a small break from writing, chill, and look for inspiration
ave says:
but you know, the previous pages haven't been good enough to make a writing either. everything has been so scattered and blurry and made no sense whatsoever
ave says:
so, i'm still hungry for context
ave says:
not just the bare fact that there are words
ave says:
or some... symbols
ave says:
and the symbols haven't formed words and the words haven't formed sentences, this far
ave says:
disarray only.
ave says:
you see my point?
ave says:
so, in a way, i did turn another page. and i can sort of see the lines coming through paper from previous pages.. but it doesn't bother me
ave says:
what bothers me the most is that i'm afraid that i won't get inspired, or the better way to put it would be that the inspiration won't come to me. it'll just be another page of turbid nonsense
Jani says:
maybe you have to take a look and try to improve your writing technique
ave says:
i see your point. it's always about the writer, not the inspiration coming wrongly or from the wrong direction... yes?
Jani says:
i think insipiration can never be wrong, it's just that it takes the right kind of way to make good of it
ave says:
but doesn't inspiration sometimes modify by its own?
Jani says:
ave says:
it's a bit hard
ave says:
you know, sometimes, inspiration might inspire you, but it's not the best kind you could get, whatever determines a 'good' inspiration anyway, but you know, things get complicated and in the end it gets distorted again, even though the writer had good intentions and knew, inside, how to write
Jani says:
then maybe you should write in a postmodernist style
Jani says:
ave says:
ave says:
( i think my life is so postmodern already... so could my book handle it also? )
ave says:
( could i, the writer, handle the postmodernism in my book? )
Jani says:
make the blurriness just a way of telling the story and take a light approach to relationships, like Tómas or Sabina in the Unbearable Lightness Of Being
ave says:
i guess what has made everything i've put down this far so heavy, is the blurriness. i have to resignificance it all to myself. this is going to be hard, and heavy, as i know how heavy i am with my thoughts in this category..
Jani says:
Jani says:
it's interesting. maybe we should continue on friday(?). now i should be off to bed to read some more =(
ave says:
its interesting, indeed, and now as i've read the unbearable lightness of being, we can talk it all through
ave says:
but i think i'm just going to ditch my pen and the book for a while and see what happens this way. maybe the open book in front of me is what has become a burden now. i mean, i can always open the book (again) if The Inspiration should come to me, right
Jani says:
ave says:
but good night for now. i think we just gave the devil a finger with this conversation and it's gonna swallow the whole of us
ave says:
but later.
What do You think about it?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
But yes, Manchester. It was wild, I must say. Wild in a mellow and cool way. I saw Arctic Monkeys live, it was fabulous, and then also got a black eye from the gig and flirted with Pete Doherty. The black eye came from something flying at my eyebrow during the last song. It was very, very ugly. In England I also went to Liverpool for a day. The whole trip was a nice chillout, in general, with an exellent company, Sonia.
(And it's me you need to show how deep is your love, how deep is your love... they all should let us be, we belong to you and me..)
Then I finished my summer work in Estonia, finally. Got paid. Finished everything unfinished, pretty much, and came back here with a clean sheet to start from. I also handled some situations in Helsinki before returning to Jyväskylä. Everything didn't exactly go the way I planned, but I guess I found the peace of mind I was looking for in those questions 300km away.
My first night of being back in Jyväskylä was slightly depressing. I didn't feel like being here a tiny bit. The thought of having to go to school the next morning just sucked ass bigtime. Luckily I got over it, because the first day of school turned out to be really nice. The school part was a little pointless, sweaty, and full of "old" faces. It's funny how in high school people don't change radically over summer any more. After school I was hanging out with some people, went to eat in Soppis with Emmi and Aleksi, hanged out with Aleksi a bit more, went home, Aleksi came here, we had a few drinks and then headed off to Sohwi, to drink. I had a surprisingly good time with him. It was seriously, unexpectedly cool. And when I walked home from town, I realised I was walking with a constant smile on my face. That's something. And the feeling of contentment was just so divinely harmonised with one of the things I love the most about summer endings - the velvet deep dark starry skies. It's so mindblowingly beautiful. I sat by my lake, marvelled at the reflections of street lights and everything on the silky-looking water surface. Seizing the moment they call it. I loved it.
The first decent day of school was slightly pointless also. We only had 2 hours of ToK and that was about it.
One thing I noticed today, was that this one scheming feeling towards this one person, awoke again. I wonder, I wonder if anything will come out of it (no it's not a crush).
I would so want to fall in love, for real. Feel the queasy butterflies in my stomach and the feeling of extraterrestial floating 24/7. I'd love that:).
I hope I'm not going to die with all the school stuff I have for already next week. It's not going to be lightsome.
Read Milan Kundera's The Unbearble Lightness of Being.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hungry, hungry hippos
I feel a bit emptier today, than usual. It's not any kind of a negative emptiness in me, just the comprehension of the indispensable.. Sucks to realise that your life is controlled by some external elements that are always there, that you can do nothing about, and that arranges everything surrounding. Of course, some things come down to your own decisions also, but if to choose something over something... which one to take: the one that suggests contentment in longrun, maybe with some withdrawals... or something that is absolutely pure pleasure, but only ephemeral, unrepeated? The only comfort and consolation I see in this question is the thought of believing in fate. Shouldn't everything that happens, happen for a reason explained somewhere higher from the colloquial and banal, literally down-to-earth action? Who knows. But it sure diminishes the anguish caused by the inevitable and imminent.
When all is said and done, all that's left, is just to accept everything, try and make best out of it and not to stress about it. Everything goes as it's supposed to. I presume.
England is going to be a blast. We're gonna rock those brits so hard, it's not even funny;)!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
All these todays just melt into tomorrows
Kristin and all the other exchange-niggas are back (the European ones) now. I was so happy to see Kristin I cried. I love the tears of joy. It's something undescribably beautiful, and relieving, in a way. It's a really cosy and warm feeling to have someone back you've missed for so long. But it feels like she wouldv'e been here all the time. I guess the country or the continent doesn't really make any difference, when the friendship is true and big and strong. Exactly the same with Piret coming back from Chile.. It was like a long-ass trip, not a year abroad.
I so love my friends<3.>
And oh:D, my voice is so darn husky right now, it's not even funny. Well, in fact it is, but it's not too cool for me. I sound like a friggin whore from behind the train station.. Mwhaha. (to be read with a hoarse tone)
I can't believe Iiro, Karl, Pete and Ragnar are gonna be eurotripping for a whole month! I'm gonna miss them and I'm also so jealous. A whole month in Europe. Freedom. Time of their lives. Lucky muffins.
But jeesh, sleep now very, very important, as I have work tomorrow again. Quite early.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
In quicksand
I love it right now how I'm just so busy that it isn't even funny, but the great thing with all the action is that thing actually get done. It's so true to say that who does, gets thing done. Stating the obvious again, obviously.
I've often been wondering about changes in our lives. Factors, that affect the flow of our life-rivers. There are always rocks in the water and all those other obstacles to overcome. Yet the flow never stops. It never stops. It might change direction, sometimes, but don't you find it all natural?
After all, isn't it all about how we perceive the world ourselves? We might take the change of direction as a form of change, but isn't this overrating?
I strongly suggest people to read Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being. I think the idea of this book pretty much describes my philosophical perception of life at the moment.
I've worked out a profound theory of the meaning of life and everything, but it's way too complex to be put down here. It's something I'd want to discuss about with a glass of good wine and a perfect company worthy of having a discussion about everything and yet nothing. It's complicated and deep, yet so simple and logical, so overrated but yet sometimes the value of it is neglected somewhere under a pile of filthy sadness and bitterness of the unwanted and repressed emotions that crawl upon us from the ill boundaries we set ourselves with the imaginary rules (and the sentence needs punctuation, yes..)... It's just so iffy, I love it. Take it all in, kids. The complexity and simplicity melange is what makes it so fascinating. Just don't forget to see beauty in ugliness and perfection in beauty.
The love for living is what keeps the flow in the right direction. It's easy to lose it. Just don't let things get to you.
And the thing they call regretting... there is no such thing. What's done is done, don't look back. Doesn't matter how hard we try, it's impossible to change time. It's something we have to live with and accept the fact that everything passed is past. Period. (I'll go eat something now.)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Strangest secret
I'm gonna go and paint (it black!) my book shelves now. Hopefully in a few days I can rearrange my room, get rid of the excessive crap.
I feel like calming down. I seriously pray I'm not gonna blow anything this time. Or is there a point in trying at all? We sure all know where everything in my life ends up at..
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Passing by
[Funki Porcini - Wicked, Cruel, Nasty and Bad]
I aspire for lightness, but this is what really makes it heavy, do you see what I mean?
I should hold my horses for a while..
Monday, June 11, 2007
Astral travelling
I'm so increadibly tired right now, but I feel a strong urge to tell my beloved ones who read this thing here about my wonderful trip to the USA.
I'll do it some other night perhaps, because I seriously need some sleep. I've let myself go, completely. I'm dreadfully confused.
Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy(8)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
On the verge of...
[Telefon Tel Avin - john thomas on the inside is nothing but foam
Telefon Tel Avin - lotus above water(8)]
Today I read the whole day. I feel insipid. Insipid, but with a slight drop of hope that I might even pass my exams. Might.
Sometimes I'm wondering why on earth do I even write here. What's the use? A good cause? Where? To whom?
Kids, listen to good idm!
Your face reminds me of when I was old..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I remember the future!
Isn't this one of those nasty truths that our poor minds so eagerly delight, yet so seldom dare to admit? We are obtruded by the moral and ethical normatives dictated by a recondite societal brainwash-system. Trying so phreneticly to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the gray masses, we just make up the very same one little particle in the big substance, trying to swim upstream.
So, what takes us/them/me/you down?
Or what do we really aspire for?
It's just one of those pseudo-philosophical wannabe moments of mine. To be taken with a hint of jest.
[St.Germain - So Flute]
My head feels like a frisbee.
Well, not that I would have anything too relevant to say anyways. My summer holiday starts in 5 days pretty much. This is rather pleasant.
I bought myself a cool new belt today, probably one of the coolest belts I've ever stumbled upon. It's men's. :D Krhm.
I'm going to read some Doctor Zhivago or some school stuff in order to get sleepy. I wonder if it's going to work..
[Jaga Jazzist - I have a ghost, now what?]
Thursday, May 10, 2007
When everything else is gone.
Yet there's hope. One week to go and I've put an end to it, for now.
[Bonobo - Sleepy Seven]
Monday, May 07, 2007
En fågel i handen är bättre än tio i skogen.
It has been fairly intense latterly. I pretty much hate myself for procrastinating with everything I have to do, but I guess working under heaps of stress is the only way I can actually get anything done. Sucks to be me, but apparently we all have our own ways of floating our boats, yes?
Klute - Ambient Hell (8)
Amazing to think that in two weeks exactly I'm going to be on my way to SF... Mindblowing! Of course, the flight there is rather bitch, because it's about 14h, if I remember right. I am definitely going to be bedsore after this. You know, I have my blogger thingie here in Finnish and for the love of god, it does not sound/look/feel good at all. Why can't they just keep it simple and English? Speaking of English and Finnish languages... I'm turning finglish. My linguistic breakdowns are not even funny any more! It scares the hell out of my bum each time, but I mean... it's not normal for me to go speak Finnish to my English-speaking friends. Crazy stuff.
The stuff going on in Tallinn is not nice at all. I hope it will (c)ease soon.
My Winamp just went nuts. I should try to crawl into bed also. I drank too much of that heavenly Nepali tea earlier. Surprising how good an unflavoured simple black tea can taste. Oh and my mum also came back from Belgium and she brought me the best chocolate pralinés ever. Oh man, I've been (involuntarily) dieting for too long now. Happy days! Food!
I love food.
By the way, all plots and schemes seem to be untangling now, eventually. I guess it's a good thing. But you never know, you know. Those sneaky things sometimes just get you without you even noticing. And this is what I call a sticky situation.
Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love (8) (I don't even want to recall the version Aleksi sang:D... 'how deep is your ....') it's a cool song, though. It was cool singing it in the grocery with him. Nanananaaaa...
Okay, when one does not have anything functional to say, one should shut the f*ck up. Hence, I shall precipitate to the fortuitous oblivion discharge dormant stage that our lives provide us with. Not to sound sophisticated or anything.
Klute - Part of Me(8)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
All the same.
I still haven't got used with my new lighter hair. It freaks me out each time I see my reflection in the mirror.
Oh, haha. Today during lunch, I had the cutest and most embrassing moment with JP. He was sitting right across the dining hall from me and we were keeping eye-contact while eating. And of course, I'm the most horrible eater in the world, or at least in Finland... And it was so cool, because he doesn't seem to be the smoothest eater either, at least when someone is watching. So we both had quite a good laugh, at each other. I don't really understand this guy, though. But I cannot be bothered to really go deep into the topic and try to figure out the details. It's all the same. I wonder what's up with all the guys in our school wearing the exact same jeans, by the way?
This confusing guy still confuses me, and I'm not sure if it's in the positive way. I think we have the kind of love-hate relationship. Go figure..
And casually, it is totally normal to have a discussion over me wearing (red) leather underwear or not. :D This is what you get in our ToK lessons. And of course, fucking frozen chicken and then cooking it. Gotta love IB:D. We're all a bunch of perverts, I love it!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
At least we dig each other.
I love my friends. (The Ones know it perfectly well and other people are just cool:)
I love my quality time at home with my precious friends.
I love alcohol consumed in right amounts.
I love music so very much.
I love other mind-altering substances and moments.
I love enjoying it all.
I love emotions.
The list is to be continued.
I'm listening to Nelly Furtado - Say It Right(8) at the moment. Strange how drifted away from pop music I used to be, but ms Furtado I dig a lot. The song is rather alternative-pop, when trying to squeeze a piece of music into some frames (which is so extremely wrong to do, actually). Anyhow, I was just now thinking about the emotions the song gives me. It's a good song, but still it in a way depresses me. Strange. But it's not the bad kind of depression. I haven't even ever thought about the message ms Furtado is trying to address to us with it. So, go figure. But this is not what I came here to talk about. It was just a random drifting away of my mind. Should snap out of it.
My long weekend in Estonia has been so wonderful. I have to admit I seldom enjoy Finland that much. In Finland only short instances are as enjoyable as this whole time here has been for me now. I wonder what causes it.. I'm not saying I wouldn't like it in Finland, but it's just so friggin different. In a good way? (My cat just had the biggest eyes I've ever seen:D it was totally "8" face:D, nice.)
I'm shivering. I hope I didn't catch a cold, because I've managed to preserve my good health through the whole winter. Would suck to get sick now, just before my exams. I should probably go take a hot bath and go to bed... I don't know. It's all so strange. I'm confused. I'm happy and not so happy at the same time. HOW EMO CAN YOU GET:D?! A split personality. I don't think I should even bother to understand those schemes hovering through my head... Hopeless case, I guess.
I would so do Jude Law. I so would! I would do lots of things. I would like to do lots of things. The more, the better:D (and please, this time I'm NOT implying anything dirty).
But I do even sometimes amuse myself, with how dirty and gross and corrupt my mind can be. All those nasty little details keep amusing me, and I'm sure someone is going to send me to an anti-dirty-treatment soon. At least it's all fun.
I'm gonna go take a hot bath now (sorry, jacuzzi;)).
And if someone feels like it, I'm giving out FREE HUGS:)! Positiveness is always good and it's such a nice way of saying "it's all good, someone cares". And even if caring is not included, it's cute and warm (practical purposes included as a bonus). Kids, hug more:)! Hugs are good.
5 weeks and I'm off to San Francisco! How cool is that.